Category Archives: Shirts

Election Campaign Tees


I WAS commissioned by my co-teacher to design and print shirts for the campaign of her daughter who was running for mayor in the Supreme Pupil Government in her school.

They gave me what to print and I created this simple design that shows the name of their party and what it means. DYNAMICS stands for  Diligent, Young, Nationalistic, Active, Magnificent, Intelligent, and Competitive Spedians. Spedians being the name they give to all the pupils and students of their school.

The names of the candidates are written at the back of the shirt.

There is a website where you can run a design contest for logos you can print on your shirt. That way, you can be assured of getting great designs for your tees or even for your own company at a particular cost.

if you have to friends who can help you design a logo or a shirt for you can visit the website and run a contest. Graphic artist from all over the world will make designs for you to choose from. I am actually thinking of submitting my designs so that I could start earning money on the side.

That t-shirt I designed is due tomorrow. We will be printing them tonight so we can deliver the shirts tomorrow.

Science Camp 2011 T-Shirt Design

science camp t-shirt design

science camp tshirt design

THE THEME for the Science Month 2011 is CHEMERGY: Chemistry and Science Clubbing in Synergy, in honor of the national year for chemistry.

I was again tasked to design a shirt for our Science Camp. The shirt color is yellow and automatically I thought of only white and black that would fit as the color of the print. I had the cool robot shirt effect in mind so I looked for an appropriate font style to achieve the effect.

Chemistry and synergy somehow are two words that have the same meaning. When two people, for example work together harmoniously, we would say, they have chemistry. Similarly, synergy means achieving more by working together. This year’s science month theme highlights the oneness of science clubbers in making a difference for the country. Participating in the science camp is the first step.

T-Shirt Design for AMP Mindanao Convention

AMP tshirt design

THE FIRST Mindanao Convention of the Alliance Men Philippines is being held here in Alabel, Sarangani Province starting today, June 2, 2011 until June 4.

I was asked to design a shirt for the convention, whose theme is, “Alliance Men for a Better Mindanao.

I crafted a statement, which signifies the commitment of the participant to contribute to the betterment of Mindanao. (That’s very timely for my post in my personal blog.)

The t-shirt says, “I commit myself (to God and to AMP) for a better Mindanao“.

I used my old photo of the Munato Monument and modified its colors to suit the tshirt design.

We used athletic fabric paints for the shirts on 120 mesh.

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Sci-Camp 2010 Shirts

THIS YEAR’S Science Camp has the theme, “DNA: Decoding Science, Nullifying Fiction, Amplifying Action.” Usually, Alabel National Science High School sets the schedule of the school’s most prestigious student activity every September. This year, however, due to conflicting schedules, and in order not to disrupt classes, it was moved to the third week of December, right after the year-end party.

As usual, I was tasked to design and print the shirts. Here is the design:


The DNA helix structure will be in silver (metallic). The text will be in Black for light-colored shirts and White for dark-colored shirts.

Other colors can be found in the following slideshow. If you can’t find your team’s color here, please see the bulletin board tomorrow. I have troubles uploading photos.

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